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Blog, tweet, share, like, and post. Provide capabilities for visitors to do the same right there using your content. If they are inclined to share, help them.

For investors using social media, embed Twitter feeds and other posts on the site.

Help investors understand the human side of the company with a slightly different spin on the social media posts, make it a little less corporate.

Use the social media accounts of the CEO and other executives to relate to their particular networks with the same or similar messages.

Here are IRM’s top three hints for relating to investors:

Subject  Suggestion
Social Media Strategy
  • Have a clear social media that people can relate to you other than through the website
  • Strategies range from “hide and hope” to “fully engage everywhere”
  • Realistically, listed companies can’t “hide” because of the $cashtags on Twitter. At least have a look occasionally at what people are saying about you.
Media Coverage
  • It’s good to have a media coverage list page. Publishing what people are saying about you adds credibility to your voice on the website.
  • Is the media coverage page up to date? Do you monitor it?
Publish your Social media
  • Make sure the website, email signatures, soft copies of reports and letterheads (including ASX Announcements) have links to your social media accounts
  • Make sure the links are correct and not broken.

A full review from IRM will identify and discuss more than 10 additional ways to better relate to investors.