Interactive Map

We can develop a range of interactive maps, it's a great way to show your project locations.

Product Name:

Interactive Map


Interactive Maps are a great way to show your project locations with highlights and links to more information.


Each interactive map is individually designed with highlighting of the project or services available at each location. Maps can be stylised / designed, or based on Google Maps. Interactive map features are limited only by your imagination.
Individual HQi Premium features do not attract separate ongoing charges. There may be time charged to your support plan to set up the feature in your instance of HQi.

Related Products:

As a HQi Premium Feature, this is added on to the HQi Corporate plan (only one premium feature for Corporate plans) and is available with all other Premium Features on the HQi Enterprise plan.

Manufacturer Name:

IRM Pty Ltd

Category Name:

Website Premium Features


No Charge


Number of maps, Design features, pages, layouts