Nowadays, CEO or C-suite video interviews have become an integral part of corporate communications. With the advent of Zoom and other technological advances, it’s common to find this medium on websites as it reinforces the company’s message, while engaging viewers, particularly investors. It's one of the effective digital channels as underscored in this most recent investor survey.
Video interviews like these are perfect for driving traffic to your website. It draws stakeholders to your site while it enhances interaction to your otherwise text-filled pages. Undoubtedly making an impact on your investor audience.
In addition, CEO video interviews extend your message reach with its ability to convey information more rapidly. These audiovisual forms don’t need much effort in being understood, compared to reading long and complex words on your site.
Imagine a super video of your CEO being interviewed by an expert financial journalist and this recording would then be distributed on the world's premier networks. This video will also be emailed directly to all your important contacts and shareholders, plus posted on social media, and featured on your website.
Make sure to read to the end of this post to see how Proactive and IRM can make it a breeze for your chief executive to really be the hero in your company's story.
But first, have a look at these 5 ways CEO video interviews get your business ahead of peers:
1. Establish your CEO’s and company’s credibility
As the face of your organisation to investors, your CEO’s image has a direct impact on investment decisions, according to studies. CEO video interviews will build your top executive’s image as it ties in your overall communications. Viewers watching the head of your company will see his/her authenticity and identify it with your business.
When investors gain insights on your leadership and the inner workings of your operations, they will be more inclined to trust in your corporation. Their investment journey will be enriched as they develop an awareness about your brand and its management.
CEO video interviews establish your credibility.
2. Win investors over
As pointed out, your CEO’s image could significantly influence investors’ perceptions of your company and its value. Your chief executive's video interviews will then forge relationships with current shareholders as well as potential ones.
CEO video interviews will show your expertise as you explain what your enterprise is all about. It’s a great opportunity to chat about what you do for clients and why you do what you do. As investors know more about your business, the more they will feel confident about joining your venture.
3. Strengthen connections with investors
CEO video interviews create a closer link with stakeholders like no personalised letter or photograph can. These compelling videos not only address investors in a direct and personal way. They also reflect how your organisation values stakeholders as your leader takes time to deliver information in an inviting format.
Through these videos, your C-suite can share your company’s origins or the set of values that drives your operations. He/she can talk of the newest ideas and technologies in your industry while providing an outlook for your business. These are just some concepts your videos can include to develop stronger connections with investors.
CEO video interviews win investors over and strengthen connections with them.
4. Level up from your competition
Not many companies have the vision to create dynamic presentations of their goals and values. CEO video interviews are powerful communication platforms you can use to distinguish yourself from peers.
Through these video interviews, your top executive can show excitement as he/she gives updates on your products or share your accomplishments. Letting them in on your latest transaction, expansion plans and future development. Sharing insights that identify your business as industry-leading experts with milestones to boot.
5. Distribute to a broader investor audience
In the digital space, CEO video interviews have wider distribution options for investor audiences, both in the local and international markets. Starting off with your website. With your videos posted on your site, investors will have 24/7 access from any time zone and location around the globe.
But why stop there? Expand beyond your website’s reach and send your video through email as well as social media. Better yet, get a distribution partner, like a newswire service that can relay your video to its extensive media network.
CEO video interviews level you up from peers and distribute to a wider audience.
Simply put
CEO video interviews reinforce your corporate message while engaging investors. These powerful communication platforms establish the credibility of your CEO and company while winning investors over.
Moreover, these audiovisual formats strengthen connections with investors, level up your business from the competition and distribute to a broader audience. What’s not to like?
Now easier than you think
Producing CEO video interviews is a cinch, with a little help from Proactive Investors’ expertise, technology and network. IRM will assist you in setting it up with their team.
Proactive’s video interview offer will enable you to publish your CEO’s interview on Proactive’s multi-media platform with massive audience reach. You’ll also get more mileage with your videos’ distribution through Proactive’s extensive media network, like Bloomberg News, Reuters, Apple News, etc.
Plus, IRM Newsroom news delivery tool can quickly post your video interviews on your website as well as send to investors via email and social media. Enquire today on +61 2 8705 5444 or clientrelations@irmau.com for more details.