July 21st, 2020

How online interactive reports can help your business

Snapshots at a point in time.

Your reports are dated documents prepared to communicate your status.

Whether it's your prospectus, annual report or sustainability report, these summaries deliver messages that stand through time. Locked into the format of the report.

Like any Australian listed company, you publish your reports, presentations and newsletters as ASX Announcements, an entirely online media. Exactly why a strong online presence is needed to fulfil this information need.

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July 20th, 2020

Allegiance Coal forges new websites for investors and local community

Every website’s purpose it to reach its audience. This is key, particularly if the site is targeting investors for your company.

Connecting with investors is not an option but a requirement to succeed in your business. Because drawing investors into your website would increase their engagement, and later on their involvement as shareholders.

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July 20th, 2020

Mincor Resources website advances with modern features

It takes you only milliseconds to form a first impression about a person. The same is true for websites.

Website visitors’ first impressions on your business are almost 95% web design. That’s why a modern web design is important. Not just for the look and feel of your site, but also for its functionality.

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July 14th, 2020

Online touchpoints move investors in their journey - and so what?

Investors are going through a journey with you. They are in different stages in the process of finding you, liking you, buying, and selling your shares.

How do you engage with them to help them make progress in their investor journey? Through your news.

Your news is probably the trigger investors need to move from one stage of the journey to the next.

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July 7th, 2020

3 quick tips to leverage your website for AGMs

What’s usually the only time during the year when your shareholders and executives interact?

You guessed it! Your annual general meetings (AGMs).

Now getting to be more virtual, these mandatory meetings are a means of building stronger and more engaged relationships with your shareholders. Your AGMs also offer investors valuable information that’s extremely useful for their investment decision-making process.

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July 6th, 2020

Stages of the Investor Journey - and so what?

As people progress through stages of not knowing about you, knowing about you, deciding to buy, buying shares and then selling their shares... that's what is called a journey - the Investor Journey.

People take this journey through the process of finding you, liking you, buying, and selling your shares. Current, potential and past investors are simply people at different stages of their investor journey. Each person's journey is different and personal. 

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July 3rd, 2020

Sihayo Gold stands out with new website

Resource industries are known to be slow in catching on to modern technology. Just look at the out-dated websites of many mining and exploration companies. Others do not even have their own websites in today’s tech-savvy world.

That is not always the case though.

Some exploration companies are not settling for any old website. They are blazing a trail in their industries with websites that are professionally designed and mobile-friendly too. Serving as an inspiration to their peers.

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