Investors Know What They Want

When an investor arrives at a listed company website there is a set of basic expectations about what they will find there. If the basics are not available, the investor is left with some doubts – about the facts they were seeking, and perhaps about the credibility of the company.

But they only “know” those basics. A great investor website will provide features that appeal to the investor without them really expecting it. These websites will not only have provided the facts needed, but will have left a great impression.

Basic Investor Needs

IRM has been analysing statistics on web page visits for listed companies for over 10 years. These are the top most visited web pages for the basic investor needs that must be fulfilled:

Other highly ranking pages are the financial results and recent reports, recent presentations, and contact us. Lower ranking ones? You guessed it, the privacy policy and corporate governance.

Appealing to Investors

Having all the basics on an investor website is essential. Companies should consider from there, how they can stand out from the crowd – how their site can appeal to investors, give them some pleasant surprises, create an above average impression.  Here are a few thoughts from IRM’s client activities over the years:


IRM and Investor Features

IRM understands all the basics and will help make sure you get them right. What we really enjoy is adding additional features to appeal to investors, and to provide an online presence that makes you look better and encourage more investors to take that next step.