
The proof of IRM’s success is there for all to see, every day, in the online activities of our clients. There’s nowhere for us to hide!

IRM has been working with listed companies in Australia since 2002. Some of our current clients have remained clients for over 20 years. We love to build long term relationships built on trust.

When we first started, our business differentiated itself by the way we published ASX Announcements on the company website and distributed Email Alerts. Immediately. That product is now called IRM Newsroom, which is available to all listed companies.

To be operating continuously and successfully for so long can only mean one thing – the services are good, and they work. Reliably and quickly. Ask our clients.

All client sizes and types

We have served over 500 clients, mostly ASX-listed while others are on other exchanges or yet to go public. IRM Newsroom currently sources and distributes news for many of those listed companies.

IRM’s ASX-listed clients span the full range of different types of companies. We deal with all size companies, and all different industry sectors. Our client distribution by market cap and industry roughly matches the ASX distribution of all companies.

There is a selection of IRM clients from all parts of our business for you to browse in the Client Showcase. Look at All, or select a different tab to see the clients with those particular features.

So - large companies find the services attractive and useful, while small companies find it affordable.

Our Best 10 pieces of recent work

People often ask - please show us your best client websites. 

In the interests of democracy for all clients, you can look at a wide selection of our client work in the Client Showcase. However, to answer the question, in the Client Showcase you can choose the tab Best 10 to see our current views


Our services are all in the cloud. Our support systems are all in the cloud – we can access them from any web browser. However, we need to sit somewhere …

Our main base is in Sydney. The mining boom took us to Perth, and we still have a presence there. In reality, our clients are all over Australia and all over the world.  The distribution roughly matches the geographical distribution of ASX listed companies.

With the use of online tools for collaboration, in practice we find it fastest to deal with clients online. An interesting issue is time zone differences. Some of our US clients work that extremely well, by loading us up with work at the end of their day, to find it all done at the start of their next day. But we still love to chat over a coffee and we set out to visit all our clients at least once a year. 

Client Feedback

We welcome feedback from all our clients. Our services improve most when clients take the trouble to help us, and for that we thank them.

In addition, we have a continuous development program for websites and IRM Newsroom, for our support tools, and other online services.

Client ASX Announcements

If you would like to browse some recent key ASX Announcements from a selection of our ASX-listed companies, there’s a page here to display them.

This page is brought to you using the automatic selection and publishing features of IRM Newsroom, with its multi-ticker code feature. We try to leave out the boring bits.


Client Showcase

There’s a Client Showcase here giving examples of live links to the IRM services used by a selection of clients.

In each showcase entry, you can link directly to the online service provided by IRM, whether it’s a website, news distribution, social media, investor tools or online reports.

If that’s not enough, and you want to see more IRM clients, try a Google search using the keywords “Site by IRM”.

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Client Stories

We like to boast about our project successes in our blog, IRMatters. All the blog posts relating to client stories are here. Search, browse and click through to look at the details in any blog post.

This blog post list is brought to you by IRM Newsroom’s blog integration capabilities.

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