June 29th, 2020

Red 5 website now rigged for progress

It’s not that you don’t have a website. Sure, you do! It’s just that it no longer reflects your burgeoning business. Unlike your growing company, your website is stuck at being clunky and outdated, with lacking functionality.

Your website should be able to support your business as it grows. That means it can be quickly updated, easily managed and that communications, particularly with investors, will go unhampered. After all, your website is the front door to your business.

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June 22nd, 2020

ASM website conveys growth strategy

A shot of adrenaline into any business is always a great idea, particularly through spinoffs.

If you’re a newly created spinoff company, operating on your own means pursuing independent growth, right? You’re exercising newfound agility and attracting new opportunities. All these efforts that need to be communicated well to your stakeholders, particularly your investment community.

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June 19th, 2020

Reading the minds of Investors - and so what?

In an earlier blog post, we identified investors as people -- they behave emotionally as well as rationally. We looked at ways to help them LIKE your company and SELL the first click. 

Now, let's think more about the details of who your investors are. Who are these people you need to connect with, and what is in their mind?

In the consumer world, marketers understand the concept of a "customer journey," the stages consumers go through to buy a product. If we think about the stages of buying shoes, here's how it could look like:

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June 10th, 2020

BotsGas website charts course for IPO

Attracting investors means having a powerful online presence. It means having a professional website that connects with investors, particularly if you're heading for an IPO.

A brilliant website will show investors that you are a serious contender for their investments. Your site should be well-designed as it provides quality content to focus on investors’ needs. It should also work smoothly on any platform they choose to use, whether mobile devices or desktops.

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June 3rd, 2020

Launch of the SSX Academy Training Program

The SSX is a Tier One licensed stock exchange in Australia that provides a fresh, flexible alternative for companies seeking opportunities for growth only listings can bring.

The SSX is passionate about furthering financial market education and continues to be an advocate for lifelong learning for every member of staff. As a group, our teams continuously develop their thinking through formal education and professional memberships.

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June 3rd, 2020

How to complete your Annual Report without the hassle

An annual report is a snapshot of your company... a summary that shows your financial picture, market share and outlook for the future.

However, preparing your annual report can be a daunting task, even more so in our "new normal". You’ll have to compile financial data, gather reports from management, craft your corporate message, among many other steps leading to a final copy that’s distributed to stakeholders. The struggle is real!

Thankfully, there are ways to make things easier for you. Like these 3 stress-buster tips for preparing your annual report:

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