October 26th, 2021

How a virtual AGM extends your investor audience reach

Australian companies and investors are embracing the digital shift to virtual annual general meetings (AGMs). In fact, 68% of AGMs in 2020 were online or hybrid, according to Computershare’s 2021 AGM Intelligence Report.

Running an effective virtual AGM will largely depend on several components, like your webcast, as Boardroom.Media discusses in its article, “2021 Annual General Meetings - virtual, physical or both?”. Whether it’s a live broadcast or a video-recorded presentation, webcasting is crucial for well-organised communications in AGMs.

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October 26th, 2021

How to get email subscribers the right way

Has a website ever required you to give your email address so you can download a document or register for an event?

I actually saw this on an IPO site days ago. The website required people to provide their email address before getting through to download the prospectus. And my immediate reaction was, "Yeah, great idea. Get lots of email addresses. Why didn't we think of that?"

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October 25th, 2021

How to create an engaging investor website

With today’s digital-first environment, investors have high expectations for online access to information. As you can probably tell, this digital acceleration is largely fueled by remote work in the new normal.

Undoubtedly, investors are using online content more than ever before. In fact, 73% of investors depend on digital tools for communications, according to a recent research.

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October 19th, 2021

Imunexus Therapeutics website primes for growth

As your company prepares for growth, you would want a website you can manage on your own. So, you can communicate with investors and keep them up to date, as you focus on business development.

You would need a site that lets you easily upload news or provide downloadable documents for stakeholders. A platform where you can effortlessly publish announcements, add links to your text and insert images or videos. One you can conveniently work with, without requiring web development skills.

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October 13th, 2021

EnviroMission website flexes redesigned features

In this constantly evolving digital world, web standards change each year. So, if your website is several years old, it’s probably outdated now in looks and functionality.

Most likely, your website’s code is far behind. This delays its loading speed on devices and makes it incompatible with latest browsers. Consequently, a lack of tech updates is a bit of a downer.

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October 13th, 2021

Noxopharm clinches new corporate and investor websites

Do you find the need for your website to communicate to separate audiences, like clients and investors? Consider having a unique site for each group as an effective way to serve your different audiences.

Creating a specialised website for each audience would make more sense as it would provide content that targets their specific needs. Each site would give a customised digital experience as users browse pages that are tailor fit for them.

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October 13th, 2021

Ballymore Resources website bumps up with IPO success

One of the ultimate marks of a company’s success is to go public. That’s why when you’re shooting for an initial public offering, you’ll be putting effort into your IPO to ensure a rewarding process. You know that a well-executed plan takes foresight and careful preparation to meet regulatory requirements.

However, such diligence to go public doesn’t end when your company gets listed. On the contrary, your endeavours should continue even more so once you operate as a publicly traded entity. Why waste the goodwill you’ve established during your IPO, right?

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October 13th, 2021

BNNT website blazes trail for revolutionary nanomaterial

Does your website feel modern and striking enough to impress investors?

As the face of your company, your site is the go-to place for stakeholders to learn more about your brand as well as your product or service. You cannot afford to have a clunky looking website that doesn't deliver a clear message, right?

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October 5th, 2021

Lukin Resources heads for IPO with new website

As Australia’s IPO market sees one of its strongest years, things don't look like it’s slowing down just yet. Upcoming IPO lists show a host of companies eyeing the ASX for much-needed capital.

With stiff competition to attract investors, your company cannot afford to miss having a website well in advance of your IPO. Your site will be vital in delivering all important information as stakeholders research about your business.

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