July 27th, 2018

IRM HQi 5.2 Release Notes: New features and improvements

HQi continually upgrades to equip you with better tools to manage your website.

This latest version contains a new Biography section where you can showcase your leadership or teams on your website.

Other performance improvements include those in IRM Newsroom and HQi Blog to keep your website running smoothly.

Read along to get more details on the new features.

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July 26th, 2018

How to maintain your investor website without the hassle

Some love and attention.

Yup! Your investor website needs those too!

This means you’ve got to do regular maintenance.

Come on now.

Don’t just build and forget your site. It’ll waste the hard work you put into creating that well-designed and engaging Web page.

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July 20th, 2018

LPE energises website to boost talent pool

Are you attracting top talent for your company?

If you want the job done well, if you want results delivered, you’ve got to hire the right personnel.

Sure, job ads, social media and word of mouth are helpful ways to draw in applicants. But these efforts only direct job seekers to your company’s website. (Yes, they should.)

And without a careers section in your site, how will you spark the interest of potential staff? If your careers page isn’t inviting, how will they be moved to apply?

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July 12th, 2018

4 tips for a successful online IR [Infographic]

Want to attract and retain investors through your website?

It’s key to understand why they do what they do - or do not do.

Investors take a journey as they think about your company.

They move from stranger to advocate, through a series of stages. Using touchpoints of their choosing.

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July 6th, 2018

Element 25 shines as new name of Montezuma Mining

Keeping up with the times?

Or just effecting a change in company strategy?

A rebrand of your business can be a result of different factors. Perhaps you’re expanding into new markets. Or diversifying the kind of products or service you offer.

Whatever your reasons, it’s imperative that your new brand be reflected on your website and all other forms of communications.

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June 29th, 2018

How to measure your investor website’s effectiveness

Your website has great design. Rich content. Smooth navigation.


But is it effective?                       

Is it reaching your intended target audience? And are they engaging in it?

A way to find out is to measure your site. To see how it stacks up against current web standards and across peers.

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June 22nd, 2018

New Kasbah website reflects company milestone

It’s a journey. Not a destination.

Yes, that’s the process for any website. Yours included.

For as your company achieves milestones, so opportunities arise to show these developments within your site. Opportunities to improve and reshape your web page.

Take for example, a new company logo.

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June 15th, 2018

Australis creates bilingual website for Portuguese project

Expanding your business internationally?

Congratulations! Just goes to show how successful your company is.

You’ve got your website ready to show who you are and what your business is all about.

But wait a minute.

Will your new target audience be able to read and understand your site?

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June 8th, 2018

3 ways to improve your news delivery to investors  

Investors want the news. Now.

It’s how they progress through their investor journey. They move from stranger to advocate, based on decisions triggered mainly by your company news.

That’s why you need to send investors your news wherever they are online. Whether it’s through your website, email, social media or news distribution channels.

Just do it straightaway. For better engagement with them.

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May 29th, 2018

Vibrant features strengthen Otto Energy website

It's like putting on a cool suit. Or getting a snappy haircut.

That's how a redesign can perk up your website.

It will make it more up-to-date and visually appealing to investors.

And renovating your site not only improves the way you present content. It enhances your investor audience’s experience to better serve their needs.

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May 25th, 2018

6 must-have elements for your IR website

It’s not just about making it look pretty.

There’s definitely more to it than that.

Your IR website is the most crucial resource for your investor networks. Both for those that currently own shares and for others that are considering buying.

They rely on your site far more than you might think. Using it to get news, financials and information. In real time.

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May 16th, 2018

How to engage with investors using your website

How would you like to have a strong investor confidence in your company?

Or an increased support for your strategy as well as your management and board?

Sounds nice, right?

Wouldn’t you want to have more significant feedback from investors? Insights that can be useful in running your company?

These are just some great perks of engaging with your investors.

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May 9th, 2018

Why your investor website needs to be mobile friendly

It’s become urgent!

As more people use smartphones over desktop computers, NOW is the time to have a mobile-friendly website.

Especially if you still haven’t converted your site since Google’s Mobilegeddon. (You can run this Google test to check if your site is mobile friendly.)

Optimising your website for mobile devices isn’t just a trend. It’s not a nice-to-have feature but a need-to-have capability.

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May 2nd, 2018

3 benefits of securing your corporate website

“Not secure.”

Seen that message next to a web address? (Hopefully, not on your website.)

Google displays that label on sites that don’t use SSL certificates (or Secure Sockets Layer certificates).

This digital certificate delivers secure, encrypted communications between your website and any browser used by your audience.

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April 26th, 2018

How to relate to investors through your website

Straight from the horse’s mouth.

Nothing beats information directly from your company.

Communication with shareholders is vital to the success and growth of your organisation. It’s not just to meet an obligation under the ASX-listing rules.

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April 20th, 2018

Oventus website takes investor communications to next level

When was the last time you communicated with investors?

Have you told them the milestones you’ve achieved since your last update?

Perhaps you’ve created more products. Or developed new partnerships.

Maybe you’ve hit your earnings targets. Or raised funds.

Your investor community would like to hear about all these accomplishments in your business.

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April 18th, 2018

Website design trends: bold and bright take centre stage

2018 is emerging as one of the most adventurous years in web design.

Just look around the Internet! See how vibrant colours and bold typefaces are stealing the web limelight.

If you’re launching a new website or considering a revamp of your existing one, have a think through these present trends. These pointers are not just a matter of visual gratification. They’re sure to provide smooth functionality as well.

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April 13th, 2018

Redesign ramps up Riversdale Resources website

Well-designed. User-friendly. Responsive.

That's how clients and investors expect your website to be.

You can't just have any site if you want the needs of your audience and business to be met.

Your website must be attractive, easily navigable and engaging.

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April 11th, 2018

Are you getting the most out of IRM Newsroom?

Newsroom collects your company news and distributes them to your investors and stakeholder groups, right? It’s a great help in managing your news updates through your website, email and social media accounts with just a click of a button.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. There’s a rich resource within Newsroom that’s waiting for you to tap into.

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April 6th, 2018

Incremental Oil and Gas reinvents as Eon NRG


Many companies will do it at some point. For various reasons.

Particularly when its vision has expanded beyond its initial goals.

Perhaps you’re considering one too for your company?

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