3 Easy Ways to Promote Your Social Media Accounts

Posted in IRM News

It’s all about engaging your investor audience with valuable content. You probably already know this or have heard it a few times before.

That’s why you’ve made your debut into social media, just like other socially savvy businesses. You’ve started your company’s Twitter account or LinkedIn page. Maybe even Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Whatever platforms you’ve selected, you’ve determined they’re the right ones to best communicate with your investor community.

You understand being on social media can boost your investor relations. You see how it can amplify your efforts to reach a wider audience and grow your business.

You value how social media can push your brand as well as your products and services. You recognise how it can attract new investors and build stronger relationships with existing ones.

Now, how to promote your social media channels so that investors know you are active on these channel? How to have stakeholders follow you so you can keep them connected and informed?

In this article, you’ll discover 3 simple ways to promote your social media accounts to your following.

1. Add your social media icons to your home page.

Place your social media buttons in the header or footer of your website. Those areas will surely be seen by your audience. And they’ll enable your social media icons to stand out so they’re quickly accessible.

Once readers are led to your profiles, following your accounts will be a cinch. They won’t have to search for your official social media channels because the links have taken them there.

Plus, linking your website and social media platforms may increase traffic to your site. It can help to generate brand exposure and awareness of your business.

2. Include links to your social media accounts in your email alerts.

When you send emails to your subscribers, don’t forget to put links to your social media profiles or build these into all email templates that you use. These will direct subscribers to your company pages or accounts where they’ll find more info about your business.

Use your tweets or posts to offer facts and figures usually given in other formats, such as formal reporting and press releases. As your audience follows your accounts, they’ll be able to interact with you, ask questions and engage in your business.

3. Set links of your social media profiles in your other accounts.

Having different social media platforms to serve varying purposes is brilliant! Just make sure your followers will be able to identify all your accounts. This makes your brand cohesive and strengthens its visibility.

For instance, if you have a YouTube account, you can insert links to your other social media channels in your descriptions. See our example below. As mentioned in the previous step, this will allow your audience access to more details about your business.

That’s a wrap

Social media can enlarge your audience reach. And it can potentially help investors shape their investment decisions on your company. A way to promote your profiles is by adding your social media icons to your home page. It would also be advantageous to include links of your accounts in your email alerts and in your other social media platforms.

Next stop

Have you just ventured into social media and still making your way around it? We can help.

IRM can provide you with ideas on basic digital media strategies. And we can facilitate setting up your social media accounts and company pages.

We also have tools to instantly send news to your email subscribers and via social media. IRM Newsroom makes it easy for ASX-listed companies to have a basic presence on Twitter around their ASX Announcements and other news. Click here to get a free trial.

Prefer to chat? Please call us at +61 2 8705 5444 or email clientrelations@irmau.com. You can also visit www.irmau.com for more details.