Acrow adds features to build up website for investors

Posted in IRM News

Your website is the authority for investors.

It’s the source of all the information they need.

But investors don’t get to visit your website every day. That’s why your site needs to attract them when there’s news about your company. Or when there’s something they want to seek out.

Luckily, there are various ways to enhance your website without having to do a complete overhaul. Sometimes a supplementary device is all you need to boost your site’s efficiencies.

A way to do it smoothly is just how Acrow did it on its own website. Formally known as Acrow Formwork and Construction Services Limited (ASX: ACF), the company is a leading scaffold and formwork supplier for the Australian construction industry.

Acrow upgraded its existing WordPress site with a new tool that added pages and improved its investor welcome page. All in an effort to provide more key information for stakeholders and boost engagement with them.

Among the site's notable enhancements are Acrow’s share prices and charts prominently displayed on its investor centre. The share charts depict the company's performance over different time periods and update each morning. 

Acrow’s new site also allows the company to post its latest news simultaneous with their release from ASX. This means the company’s announcements and reports are immediately accessible to its investor community from its website.

What’s more, Acrow can email these news items quickly to its investors, so updates reach their inboxes without delay. The company has the option to share news over social media networks as well. For another way to amplify its news.

Acrow’s website was revamped using Newsroom from IRM – Online Investor Communications Specialists. IRM was pleased to work with Acrow and Zinc on reinforcing Acrow’s online investor presence.

If you’d like a demo on how Newsroom works, call us on +61 2 8705 5444 or email

Check out other ASX-listed companies using Newsroom in this link. Or browse our website for more info.