September 17th, 2020

PPK Group's custom-designed website makes headway

Want to position your company above peers? Then your website shouldn’t look like everyone else's.

You'd want a site that's unique to your company, designed with your requirements. Enabling you to reinforce your brand as its blueprint is specific your business.

A customised web site that supports your current and future goals is ideal. Created with a foundation that’s built to handle modifications as your organisation expands.

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September 2nd, 2020

IGO website taps careers section

Attracting good candidates can be a challenging and costly task in highly competitive job markets. Recognising this, more and more companies have been investing in their own function-rich careers centres.

Check out how diversified mining and exploration company IGO (ASX:IGO) gets the most out of its website's candidate-rich Careers section.

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August 19th, 2020

Xanadu Mines upgrades website with clever features

Your website is due for a redesign and you know it. But you're still ignoring the need for it.

You realise it has passed its prime. It's outdated and could perform better. Yet somehow it still works, so you don't bother replacing it. You're quite attached to this website.

Perhaps like your old laptop, which you eventually gave up on because it no longer functioned properly. You then had to get a new one. Soon as you started using that brand new laptop, you couldn’t imagine why it took you so long to make the switch.

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August 14th, 2020

Westgold Resources website breaks new ground

A good quality website is an integral component of your business. It should exude professionalism and credibility for your brand as well as generating confidence that assures investors you mean business and you’re there to stay.

With all kinds of website designs in the market, it’s important to pick one that will best serve your needs. A website design that’s created uniquely for your company. Presenting your business in its best light, while looking professional and modern. Enticing investors and leaving a lasting impression on them.

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August 12th, 2020

OceanaGold website sets a new benchmark

That feeling of achievement when you finally upgrade your website.

You're frustrated with your website because it's hard to manage. You want to announce your new business venture or post your CEO’s video interview but how? You can’t even update the pages because the system requires a web developer for simple amends.

It’s definitely time for change!

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July 20th, 2020

Allegiance Coal forges new websites for investors and local community

Every website’s purpose it to reach its audience. This is key, particularly if the site is targeting investors for your company.

Connecting with investors is not an option but a requirement to succeed in your business. Because drawing investors into your website would increase their engagement, and later on their involvement as shareholders.

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July 20th, 2020

Mincor Resources website advances with modern features

It takes you only milliseconds to form a first impression about a person. The same is true for websites.

Website visitors’ first impressions on your business are almost 95% web design. That’s why a modern web design is important. Not just for the look and feel of your site, but also for its functionality.

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July 3rd, 2020

Sihayo Gold stands out with new website

Resource industries are known to be slow in catching on to modern technology. Just look at the out-dated websites of many mining and exploration companies. Others do not even have their own websites in today’s tech-savvy world.

That is not always the case though.

Some exploration companies are not settling for any old website. They are blazing a trail in their industries with websites that are professionally designed and mobile-friendly too. Serving as an inspiration to their peers.

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June 29th, 2020

Red 5 website now rigged for progress

It’s not that you don’t have a website. Sure, you do! It’s just that it no longer reflects your burgeoning business. Unlike your growing company, your website is stuck at being clunky and outdated, with lacking functionality.

Your website should be able to support your business as it grows. That means it can be quickly updated, easily managed and that communications, particularly with investors, will go unhampered. After all, your website is the front door to your business.

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June 22nd, 2020

ASM website conveys growth strategy

A shot of adrenaline into any business is always a great idea, particularly through spinoffs.

If you’re a newly created spinoff company, operating on your own means pursuing independent growth, right? You’re exercising newfound agility and attracting new opportunities. All these efforts that need to be communicated well to your stakeholders, particularly your investment community.

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June 10th, 2020

BotsGas website charts course for IPO

Attracting investors means having a powerful online presence. It means having a professional website that connects with investors, particularly if you're heading for an IPO.

A brilliant website will show investors that you are a serious contender for their investments. Your site should be well-designed as it provides quality content to focus on investors’ needs. It should also work smoothly on any platform they choose to use, whether mobile devices or desktops.

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June 3rd, 2020

Saracen Mineral takes pride in new website

Is your website outdated with limited functionality and just simply hard to handle?

With today’s technology, there is no stopping you from having a website you can be proud of. One that clearly defines your brand and reflects your company.

When you have the right setup, your website can be something you can boast about. It would communicate well with your investors and customers, while working responsively on desktop and mobile devices. Those are just some brilliant features to begin with.

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May 5th, 2020

Phoslock website highlights virtual AGM

Hosting an annual general meeting (AGM) is quite a challenge in our current COVID-19 situation.

Traditional in-person shareholder meetings are no longer feasible. What with restrictions on large-group meetings and travel. Not to mention investor concerns about social distancing and joining large gatherings.

Thankfully, technology today enables companies to hold virtual AGMs. So that requirements are still met, information is presented to shareholders and their questions answered.

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April 30th, 2020

Manuka Resources unveils new website

Your website is the backbone of your company's online presence. It serves as an information hub where you can direct investors who want to know more about your business.

Much like consumers, investors go online to seek information about your company before they buy into it. That's why your website needs to clearly present details for investors to learn what your business is all about. As investors know more about your organisation, they will be able to make smarter investment decisions.

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April 17th, 2020

KKR Credit Income Fund website reinforces IPO

Your company is getting listed. Understandably, there’s a flurry of tasks to complete before your initial public offering (IPO).

But is your website all set for your IPO too?

Getting your website IPO ready is crucial in creating awareness about your business. It’s a game changer in converting prospects into investors.

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February 21st, 2020

Openpay investor website zooms in on stakeholders

To attract and retain investors. That's what your investor website should be all about, right? Especially when you're launching your IPO.

But what details are important to headline first? 

A simple web design and a coherent story about your company is your goal. You’d want to highlight the information and features they want most from your website. Without overwhelming them with complex or irrelevant data.

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February 14th, 2020

MCB Resources launches new website

Investors expect it. Whether your company is small or large, a start-up or well-established. Stakeholders take it as a given that you have a website. No matter what industry you are in.

After all, would you trust a business with no website?

Today’s tech-savvy investors assume your company has an online presence, including a website. In fact, without a website you would be considered less professional, causing investors to look elsewhere for their intended investments.

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December 20th, 2019

Sandfire Resources website elevates to new heights

You’re happy with the running of your website but has the focus changed on a new aspect of your company or you need to feature a project prominently on your homepage?

Then it’s time to refresh your website with a makeover and update elements to improve user experience for investors.

The beauty of a smart website’s content management system (CMS) running your website is that you can tweak pages without affecting your site’s overall design. It’s easy to add features for your latest products/services or highlight newest business endeavours without the need to overhaul the entire site.

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November 29th, 2019

Variscan Mines website delivers attractive investor features

When investors find your website, do they immediately know it's the right one they've been searching for?

Or would they need to sift through your web pages just to understand what your company is all about? (Uh-oh.)

That’s why it’s not only important for your website to be visually appealing. It should also be easy to navigate, providing information investors seek.

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October 22nd, 2019

Bullseye Mining website on target in company’s gold discoveries

"If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business." - Bill Gates

That’s why you have a website, right? You understand this full well.

But how user-friendly is your site? Can your clients and investors find the information they need in three clicks?

There is no point in having a website that’s impressive and creative if your stakeholders and potential investors cannot use it. If they cannot navigate it to find important data they are searching for - what’s the use?

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