September 23rd, 2022

Digital Capital Raising Platforms: Connecting companies with investors

Secondary offerings are the most popular form of capital raising on the Australian Securities Exchange, with investors pouring more than A$60 billion into the secondary market in 2021 alone. The reason for this is clear; IPOs require a full prospectus and disclosure statements to be created and reviewed by the ASX and Australian regulators (ASIC), a costly and time-consuming exercise.

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October 7th, 2020

Virtual AGMs in 2020

This year has been filled with uncertainty for many organisations, especially when it comes to AGMs. Companies with a reporting deadline of December 31 bore the brunt of the COVID-induced uncertainty earlier this year, during the off-peak AGM season in April and May. But, many companies adapted, successfully taking the virtual “leap” into unknown territory.

Out of the 4500 meetings Computershare has already conducted across the globe this year, over 1300 have been fully virtual. At the same time in 2019, the number of virtual meetings was only in the low hundreds.

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June 3rd, 2020

Launch of the SSX Academy Training Program

The SSX is a Tier One licensed stock exchange in Australia that provides a fresh, flexible alternative for companies seeking opportunities for growth only listings can bring.

The SSX is passionate about furthering financial market education and continues to be an advocate for lifelong learning for every member of staff. As a group, our teams continuously develop their thinking through formal education and professional memberships.

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August 24th, 2018

How the new CHESS Replacement System will impact listed companies and their investors

There has been a great deal of anticipation around the CHESS replacement system, to date the focus has been on the technical makeup of the replacement system, but how do we think listed companies and their investors will be impacted by the change?

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August 22nd, 2017

Investment opportunities in the mining industry

Are you eyeing a potential investment in a mining company? Some experts say risks are high but the gains can be sizable. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the industry’s nature and related risks before jumping in.

When giving investment advice to clients, Morgans weighs a mining company’s people and structure, opportunity and investment proposition. Never underestimate the power of a well-made decision. Read on to learn more about the three main aspects for consideration.

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March 15th, 2017

Junior companies in space race

Most of the 2,000 or so companies on the Australian Securities Exchange shout into an empty room when they release their announcements.

Only the biggest 200 get much press or broker coverage. This is because both the business press and stockbrokers cover only companies with the most shares, the most customers, the most employees and the biggest effect on the economy. Talk to the directors of small companies and they will tell you it has never been harder to get publicity in newspapers and junior companies must compete for the shrinking space. They are in a space race.

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January 15th, 2016

Supporting staff with shareholdings

In today’s IRMatters post, Patricia Doyle, Private Client Advisor with Morgans Financial covers four important points that companies and employees should consider when entering into employee share schemes.

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December 8th, 2015

Being social is important, especially in a crisis.

In today’s IRMatters post, Director of Platform Communications, Kirsty Danby explores the role of social media in crisis management situations and provides some excellent, practical guidelines for communications practitioners.

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September 21st, 2015

Delivering value through a well considered IP strategy

In this post, intellectual property expert, Tony Shaw, Patent Attorney with Allens Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys discusses where investors should look for value when assessing tech, biotech and lifescience stocks, and provides tips for companies on how to manage a successful IP strategy.

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June 22nd, 2015

Making your AGM webcast count – six tips from Boardroom.Media

In today’s post, Will Canty, Director of Boardroom.Media discusses the use of webcasting at AGMs. Which companies need AGM webcasting? What would trigger the decision to webcast? And what is best practice? Also included below is a new offer that IRM clients can access – special discounts when corporate video is combined with AGM webcasting.

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June 11th, 2015

Chasing the greenback: how to attract US investors

At IRM, we’re privileged to complement the work of some of the best investor and public relations practitioners in the business.

Today’s post, Chasing the greenback: how to attract US investors was written by Kyahn Williamson, who Heads Investor Communication at Buchan Consulting, a consultancy that IRM works with often.
Here Kyahn explores the thoughts and opinions of several respected US investors and highlights the paths that a number of our ASX listed companies have ventured down when attracting interest from US investors.

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