January 10th, 2020

SEO 101: A guide for beginners

Read about 10 elements to check on your website so you can improve its SEO capabilities.

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November 29th, 2019

Keep In Touch: Connecting Conference speakers and delegates

Do you want an easy way to connect with conference delegates? Then this one is for you!

IRM have partnered with Vertical Events in aiming to add more value to companies and speakers with a service called Keep In Touch. This service enables conference speakers to connect with attendees by email during and after a Vertical Events conference.

Most recently, IRM rolled out the Keep In Touch service at the RIU Good Oil Conference September 2019 in Perth. Eleven selected speaker companies participated in this initial trial run and their ASX Announcements were emailed to 592 delegates/investors from the first day of the conference and 6 weeks thereafter.

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November 22nd, 2019

How a virtual data room expedites your transactions

Are you in the process of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or fundraising?

Perhaps you’re pursuing a Merger & Acquisition (M&A) or a strategic partnership?

You’ll need a data room to house important documents for your specific transaction. No, not a physical data room that’s inconvenient and time consuming, given its limitations. We’re talking about a virtual data room that all parties involved can safely access from anywhere in the world.

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July 30th, 2019

IRM’s “5 New Ideas” seminars deliver above expectations

More than 300 new ideas for online investors relations to over 50 companies. How awesome is that?

What a brilliant way to close out our recent series of seminars on "5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors" this year! And a big THANK YOU goes to all those who joined our sessions in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane from March to July! In fact, we’re shouting out to the more than 100 attendees since the seminars began in November 2018.

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June 11th, 2019

Make your online IR a game-changer with "5 New Ideas" seminar

If you’re serious about improving your investor relations. If you want your online IR to be a game-changer. Then a trusted advisor is what you need.

A trusted advisor has the business acumen to help you navigate IR challenges and enhance your investor communications. After all, he has the experience and the subject matter expertise to be trusted to advise you well.

You’ll need one who’s a veteran on ASX-listed companies. He’ll know the ins and outs of online IR like the back of his hand.

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May 2nd, 2019

"5 New Ideas" seminar: More companies gain cues for investor communications

They came. They saw. They conquered.

More companies took on fresh concepts to improve investor communications at IRM’s recently launched seminar, "5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors".

In March and April, IRM CEO Martin Spry led discussions in the “5 New Ideas” exclusive sessions for ASX-listed companies. The exchanges centred on latest ideas for online investor relations (IR) that businesses consider advantageous. Dynamic interactions where other IRM clients and advisers shared insights as well.

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April 18th, 2019

How to create an investor presentation that wows your audience

Not all investor presentations are created equal.

If you want to stand out, your presentation should be the kind that attracts investors’ attention. One that clearly communicates your company’s value. Because investors are happier to invest in companies they like and which they feel are professional in their business.

Your presentation should get investors excited about your company. So, they’ll be sold on committing capital into your business.

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March 13th, 2019

IRM launches 2019 seminar series: Improve your online investor engagement with 5 new ideas

Investor relations. You're an expert already, of course! But what if you could be even better?

What if you could have 5 NEW ideas for your online investor communications? Fresh ideas you haven't thought of before?

Now that's a challenge! One that we're prepared to take on with you at our seminar series this year.

IRM is launching "5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors" this March in several states. Boutique events offering small group sessions with ASX-listed peers.

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March 1st, 2019

Attract investors to your website with the right content

Put yourself in their shoes.

Investors, after all, are human too. Just like you.

They know what facts they want when they research about your business. They want to find specific information immediately once they get to your website.

So, if you want to draw them into your site, you’ve got to give them what they want. The right content.

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January 25th, 2019

How well do you understand the investor journey? [Infographic]

As an ASX-listed company, you're continually marketing your shares to a largely unknown audience of potential investors mainly through an online process, worldwide.

It’s a daily competition. It’s a worldwide online competition. And there are plenty of other choices for investors.

But if you do this job better and more consistently than other companies, you will likely achieve more interest in your stock. The more competition for your stock, the better your share price.

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December 3rd, 2018

Take 5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors

IRM CEO Martin Spry has been talking to leaders of ASX-listed companies about their online investor presence for 15 years. Hundreds of companies. Just recently, he completed a national series of small group sessions, “5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors,” where he delivered over 200 useful ideas to more than 30 companies. IRMatters caught up with Martin to find out more about the boutique breakfast events. Following are some highlights of his insights from the recently concluded venture.

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November 16th, 2018

Save time (and effort) on your investor communications

There must be a better way to do things.

Investor relations have more pressing matters to attend to than getting tangled up in the nitty gritty of sending out announcements.

You know the drill.

The first task is posting on your website. Logging on to ASX Online. Waiting for confirmation from the Issuers Office. Making sure the announcement’s correct version is uploaded on the right pages of your website. Sometimes having to ask help from web support when your uploads fail to work.

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October 22nd, 2018

How to provide high quality online investor presence for your company

Attracting investors is a real-time global competition. Conducted online. 24/7.

As investors make choices in their investor journey, the challenge is how to help each investor take that next step towards more engagement and investment with you. Not the competitor.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the 10 Success Factors for your online investor presence? Discover for yourself how you can achieve this kind of success, as simplified under four headings.

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September 14th, 2018

Investor Relations and the art of selling shares

From an investor’s perspective, purchasing shares is not much different from buying shoes or a car.

Yes, investors are customers, too. They go through a buying process as they decide to spend their money.

Their buying process starts with their needs. Then it goes through a series of steps to an eventual decision. Parting with cash in return for shares. A process otherwise known as the investor journey.

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August 24th, 2018

How the new CHESS Replacement System will impact listed companies and their investors

There has been a great deal of anticipation around the CHESS replacement system, to date the focus has been on the technical makeup of the replacement system, but how do we think listed companies and their investors will be impacted by the change?

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August 10th, 2018

The importance of your online investor presence

First impressions count.

As investors start to learn more about your company, they will usually check you out online first.

This helps them subconsciously decide whether to take the next step. Or to simply move on to other opportunities.

And when investors seek more information about you online, they’ll choose their touchpoints.

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July 26th, 2018

How to maintain your investor website without the hassle

Some love and attention.

Yup! Your investor website needs those too!

This means you’ve got to do regular maintenance.

Come on now.

Don’t just build and forget your site. It’ll waste the hard work you put into creating that well-designed and engaging Web page.

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July 12th, 2018

4 tips for a successful online IR [Infographic]

Want to attract and retain investors through your website?

It’s key to understand why they do what they do - or do not do.

Investors take a journey as they think about your company.

They move from stranger to advocate, through a series of stages. Using touchpoints of their choosing.

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June 29th, 2018

How to measure your investor website’s effectiveness

Your website has great design. Rich content. Smooth navigation.


But is it effective?                       

Is it reaching your intended target audience? And are they engaging in it?

A way to find out is to measure your site. To see how it stacks up against current web standards and across peers.

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June 8th, 2018

3 ways to improve your news delivery to investors  

Investors want the news. Now.

It’s how they progress through their investor journey. They move from stranger to advocate, based on decisions triggered mainly by your company news.

That’s why you need to send investors your news wherever they are online. Whether it’s through your website, email, social media or news distribution channels.

Just do it straightaway. For better engagement with them.

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