November 29th, 2019

Keep In Touch: Connecting Conference speakers and delegates

Do you want an easy way to connect with conference delegates? Then this one is for you!

IRM have partnered with Vertical Events in aiming to add more value to companies and speakers with a service called Keep In Touch. This service enables conference speakers to connect with attendees by email during and after a Vertical Events conference.

Most recently, IRM rolled out the Keep In Touch service at the RIU Good Oil Conference September 2019 in Perth. Eleven selected speaker companies participated in this initial trial run and their ASX Announcements were emailed to 592 delegates/investors from the first day of the conference and 6 weeks thereafter.

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November 22nd, 2019

How a virtual data room expedites your transactions

Are you in the process of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or fundraising?

Perhaps you’re pursuing a Merger & Acquisition (M&A) or a strategic partnership?

You’ll need a data room to house important documents for your specific transaction. No, not a physical data room that’s inconvenient and time consuming, given its limitations. We’re talking about a virtual data room that all parties involved can safely access from anywhere in the world.

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October 22nd, 2019

Bullseye Mining website on target in company’s gold discoveries

"If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business." - Bill Gates

That’s why you have a website, right? You understand this full well.

But how user-friendly is your site? Can your clients and investors find the information they need in three clicks?

There is no point in having a website that’s impressive and creative if your stakeholders and potential investors cannot use it. If they cannot navigate it to find important data they are searching for - what’s the use?

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September 16th, 2019

Buru Energy website resonates commitment to shareholder value

Shareholder value.

It’s the value stockholders enjoy as owners of a company’s shares. The company delivers this value to its shareholders based on its capability to sustain and grow profits over time.

For ASX-listed companies, the duty to maximize shareholder value rests on the shoulders of corporate directors and management. They must have the best interest of stakeholders in mind and be efficient decision makers to increase shareholder value.

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September 16th, 2019

Sandfire Resources positions website in a league of its own

It’s not enough to just have a website. These days, people are way more tech-savvy and choosy about sites they visit.

When clients and investors look into your website, what do they see? A stale site with outdated information on your company? Or a website offering fresh and engaging content about your business?

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July 30th, 2019

IRM’s “5 New Ideas” seminars deliver above expectations

More than 300 new ideas for online investors relations to over 50 companies. How awesome is that?

What a brilliant way to close out our recent series of seminars on "5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors" this year! And a big THANK YOU goes to all those who joined our sessions in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane from March to July! In fact, we’re shouting out to the more than 100 attendees since the seminars began in November 2018.

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July 19th, 2019

Noxopharm expands reach with new website design

Your website is one of the most effective communication tools your company holds.

That's why you have a well-designed site to give investors a great first impression of your business and what it's all about, right?

But is your site still aligned with your organisation's latest plans?

Perhaps you've adopted a new corporate strategy and your website’s purpose has changed to support such move. Maybe you've just launched a brand-new product or service and you're now targeting a certain audience, in addition to your investor community.

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June 11th, 2019

Make your online IR a game-changer with "5 New Ideas" seminar

If you’re serious about improving your investor relations. If you want your online IR to be a game-changer. Then a trusted advisor is what you need.

A trusted advisor has the business acumen to help you navigate IR challenges and enhance your investor communications. After all, he has the experience and the subject matter expertise to be trusted to advise you well.

You’ll need one who’s a veteran on ASX-listed companies. He’ll know the ins and outs of online IR like the back of his hand.

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May 31st, 2019

Bifox ushers in future-proof website

Doing things right or doing things over?

If you had to choose between the two, pretty sure you’d choose to do things right the first time. So you won’t have to start over!

Doing things right the first time makes you work smarter, not harder. Because taking time to work right from the start would result in a higher quality by-product than it would to go back from the beginning.

Plus, your effort will take significantly less time, in the long run. As you won’t have to start from scratch again, in case you need to redo any areas that need fixing up.

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May 17th, 2019

Tianqi website debuts into Australian lithium industry

First impressions last forever. Even with businesses.

If you think your initial contact with investors or suppliers occurs on your first phone call, email or meeting – think again. Nowadays, a first impression with your company is usually made even before you reach out to them.

How? Through the world wide web, of course!

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May 2nd, 2019

"5 New Ideas" seminar: More companies gain cues for investor communications

They came. They saw. They conquered.

More companies took on fresh concepts to improve investor communications at IRM’s recently launched seminar, "5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors".

In March and April, IRM CEO Martin Spry led discussions in the “5 New Ideas” exclusive sessions for ASX-listed companies. The exchanges centred on latest ideas for online investor relations (IR) that businesses consider advantageous. Dynamic interactions where other IRM clients and advisers shared insights as well.

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April 18th, 2019

How to create an investor presentation that wows your audience

Not all investor presentations are created equal.

If you want to stand out, your presentation should be the kind that attracts investors’ attention. One that clearly communicates your company’s value. Because investors are happier to invest in companies they like and which they feel are professional in their business.

Your presentation should get investors excited about your company. So, they’ll be sold on committing capital into your business.

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March 13th, 2019

IRM launches 2019 seminar series: Improve your online investor engagement with 5 new ideas

Investor relations. You're an expert already, of course! But what if you could be even better?

What if you could have 5 NEW ideas for your online investor communications? Fresh ideas you haven't thought of before?

Now that's a challenge! One that we're prepared to take on with you at our seminar series this year.

IRM is launching "5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors" this March in several states. Boutique events offering small group sessions with ASX-listed peers.

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March 1st, 2019

Attract investors to your website with the right content

Put yourself in their shoes.

Investors, after all, are human too. Just like you.

They know what facts they want when they research about your business. They want to find specific information immediately once they get to your website.

So, if you want to draw them into your site, you’ve got to give them what they want. The right content.

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February 8th, 2019

Regal Funds Management shifts to custom-designed website

Do you realise how important your website design actually is?

It can make or break your business.

If it’s boring or is painstakingly slow to load... If it doesn’t show the information investors are looking for… then you’re in for trouble. That’s how the appearance and functionality of your site is crucial.

Even if your web page is simple, it will represent your company and will be key to your business.

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January 25th, 2019

How well do you understand the investor journey? [Infographic]

As an ASX-listed company, you're continually marketing your shares to a largely unknown audience of potential investors mainly through an online process, worldwide.

It’s a daily competition. It’s a worldwide online competition. And there are plenty of other choices for investors.

But if you do this job better and more consistently than other companies, you will likely achieve more interest in your stock. The more competition for your stock, the better your share price.

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December 21st, 2018

Bryah Resources sets website in motion

Think about it. 

At this very moment, someone may be searching for your company online. 

It's how things work in this digital age. Clients and investors will search the web to engage with your business.

They expect your company to have an online presence, at least a website. And if you don't have one, they'll consider you less professional.

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December 3rd, 2018

Take 5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors

IRM CEO Martin Spry has been talking to leaders of ASX-listed companies about their online investor presence for 15 years. Hundreds of companies. Just recently, he completed a national series of small group sessions, “5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors,” where he delivered over 200 useful ideas to more than 30 companies. IRMatters caught up with Martin to find out more about the boutique breakfast events. Following are some highlights of his insights from the recently concluded venture.

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November 23rd, 2018

Hearts and Minds rolls out simple yet purposeful website

Investors are not always rational in assessing their investment decisions.

In the early part of their journey, some investors would not be decided on specific facts to look for about your company. And by looking at your website’s design, imagery and key messages, they will be guided emotionally about how they feel about your business.

Other investors, however, will just want facts, facts and facts. “Just show me the numbers!”

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November 16th, 2018

Save time (and effort) on your investor communications

There must be a better way to do things.

Investor relations have more pressing matters to attend to than getting tangled up in the nitty gritty of sending out announcements.

You know the drill.

The first task is posting on your website. Logging on to ASX Online. Waiting for confirmation from the Issuers Office. Making sure the announcement’s correct version is uploaded on the right pages of your website. Sometimes having to ask help from web support when your uploads fail to work.

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