October 13th, 2021

Ballymore Resources website bumps up with IPO success

One of the ultimate marks of a company’s success is to go public. That’s why when you’re shooting for an initial public offering, you’ll be putting effort into your IPO to ensure a rewarding process. You know that a well-executed plan takes foresight and careful preparation to meet regulatory requirements.

However, such diligence to go public doesn’t end when your company gets listed. On the contrary, your endeavours should continue even more so once you operate as a publicly traded entity. Why waste the goodwill you’ve established during your IPO, right?

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September 27th, 2021

3 business blog strategies for your investor audience

Are you blogging about your business? It’s a simple yet powerful move to share relevant information with your stakeholders in a way that engages them.

A business blog is like a digital journal about your company that’s written for your investor community. It’s an excellent strategy to increase your organisation’s visibility online as it provides insights about your industry and answers questions shareholders may have.

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September 16th, 2021

Sunstone Metals website notches up with new gear

In the current digital-first environment, having a website you can regularly update is essential. This online shift accelerated by the pandemic has caused investors to have high expectations on digital access to information.

As everyone switches to digital, you cannot afford to be left behind like other businesses that stand still, waiting for things to go back to normal, right? Has your company adapted your communication strategies to match the new digital-first standards of investor audiences?

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August 25th, 2021

Star Minerals website shines as the company eyes IPO

As IPOs continue momentum in the global market, soon-to-be-listed companies are preparing their websites in full swing. After all, they are gearing up to play in the big league.

On the home front, ASX IPO candidates are setting up their websites to meet regulatory requirements for when they become a publicly traded company. Their websites are likewise getting fitted out to fulfill expectations of investors.

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June 22nd, 2021

Peter Warren investor website revs up at the heels of IPO

Going public is a major milestone for any business. The process is transformational as the once private company learns to operate within regulatory requirements and for a broader investor group.

For sure you’ll agree, investor communication is essential to be a successful publicly listed company. It’s a key ingredient not just in launching an initial public offering (IPO). It’s a vital component even past ringing the ASX bell.

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May 10th, 2021

Kazia Therapeutics website innovates for growth

How is your company positioned for growth? What sets you apart from your competitors?

These are just some questions investors seek to answer as they search for information about your venture. Before allotting capital in your organisation, they’ll want to know your business model, purpose and strategy. They’ll want to understand your competitive advantage and how you will generate long-term sustainable value.

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April 21st, 2021

Bastion Minerals website takes off from successful IPO

Completing an initial public offering is both challenging and rewarding. Organising the people, processes and technology needed for your IPO is critical for its success.

In your quest to become a public company, you’ll want to get the right message out into the market. You’ll need an investor relations game plan that fully communicates with stakeholders, among many other requirements to prepare.

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January 15th, 2021

EQ Resources starts the year strong with new website

New year, fresh start! A clean slate for your business to forge ahead with its latest plans and ventures. Particularly if you’ve just recalculated your direction or rebranded your company to better fit your endeavours.

Has your company changed its name? You’ll need a new logo and branding to go with your website and all other communications. This newfound brand will need a corresponding online presence for the continued success of your business.

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December 15th, 2020

Youfoodz investor website bolsters IPO

Investors do their own research as they consider your company for a possible investment, especially during your initial public offering.

They'll seek to know your company's strategy and plans to make good returns. They'll want to find out who’s directing and managing your business, as well as other corporate information on investment.

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December 7th, 2020

Impact Minerals uncovers investor-centric website

Gone are the days when your business needs any kind of website just for an online presence. Used to be that any site would do merely to be online.

That won’t cut it anymore in this new media age. Nowadays, you need a great functioning website that can impress investors and compete with peers. After all, you only have about 3 seconds to wow investors before they decide to look elsewhere to your competitors.

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December 1st, 2020

News Briefs: Adding descriptions with your ASX Announcements

When you think about it, your ASX announcements do not only fulfill mandatory requirements. They also draw attention to your business as your updates are posted to the market.

Your ASX releases bring your company profile to investors as you broadcast your successful ventures, leadership appointments, financial reports and other news. These announcements provide information that will encourage stakeholders to join your share registry.

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September 17th, 2020

PPK Group's custom-designed website makes headway

Want to position your company above peers? Then your website shouldn’t look like everyone else's.

You'd want a site that's unique to your company, designed with your requirements. Enabling you to reinforce your brand as its blueprint is specific your business.

A customised web site that supports your current and future goals is ideal. Created with a foundation that’s built to handle modifications as your organisation expands.

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August 25th, 2020

IRM HQi 6.2 Release Notes: Improved performance and new features

Say hello to the latest features of IRM’s HQi content management system!

HQi is always working hard to optimise features for its many users, like you. Pulling out all the stops to deliver a smoother website management in your hands.

In this latest release, HQi has squashed some bugs and tidied things up to make your user experience even better. Stability enhancements include coding advances and tweaks related to emails, images and over-all performance.

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August 12th, 2020

OceanaGold website sets a new benchmark

That feeling of achievement when you finally upgrade your website.

You're frustrated with your website because it's hard to manage. You want to announce your new business venture or post your CEO’s video interview but how? You can’t even update the pages because the system requires a web developer for simple amends.

It’s definitely time for change!

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June 29th, 2020

Red 5 website now rigged for progress

It’s not that you don’t have a website. Sure, you do! It’s just that it no longer reflects your burgeoning business. Unlike your growing company, your website is stuck at being clunky and outdated, with lacking functionality.

Your website should be able to support your business as it grows. That means it can be quickly updated, easily managed and that communications, particularly with investors, will go unhampered. After all, your website is the front door to your business.

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June 22nd, 2020

ASM website conveys growth strategy

A shot of adrenaline into any business is always a great idea, particularly through spinoffs.

If you’re a newly created spinoff company, operating on your own means pursuing independent growth, right? You’re exercising newfound agility and attracting new opportunities. All these efforts that need to be communicated well to your stakeholders, particularly your investment community.

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May 5th, 2020

Business Storytelling: A smart way to engage investors

Stories are powerful. They create a picture in our minds to delight, inspire and motivate.

You have seen this happen in the movies and tv series you have watched. You have experienced it in the books and news articles you have read. Even in the conversations you have had.

Stories are all around us. Even in the business world.

But have you heard about storytelling your business?

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April 17th, 2020

KKR Credit Income Fund website reinforces IPO

Your company is getting listed. Understandably, there’s a flurry of tasks to complete before your initial public offering (IPO).

But is your website all set for your IPO too?

Getting your website IPO ready is crucial in creating awareness about your business. It’s a game changer in converting prospects into investors.

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March 30th, 2020

IRM COVID-19 Offer: Emerge from the crisis in great shape

Grab the IRM COVID-19 Offer and emerge from the crisis in great shape to attract investors!

When this is all over – and it will, investors will be critical in their choices of investments. They will choose to invest in companies that they trust, those who look like they improved even during this uncertain times and the ones who made efforts to keep them informed.

How to step up your game?

Enhance your corporate look. Optimise your corporate or investor website. Boost your investor communication.

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March 25th, 2020

IRM HQi 6.1 Release Notes: Email stats and more innovations

Your apps, iOS or Android mobile operating system regularly update to work more efficiently. Thanks to the continuously evolving technology in this tech savvy world.

As well as that, HQi, your website’s content management system (CMS), constantly upgrades to make your site run smoothly for your investor relations (IR) needs.

HQi’s new features include stats and charts to help you analyse and tweak your email communications. Expanded functions cover your website’s image upload, contact form submission, among other capabilities.

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