July 28th, 2021

Widgie Nickel fires up online presence

Having an online presence can make or break your business, especially if you’re a start-up or spin-off. Your website is a way to stand out among competitors and draw interest from investors.

Even if you don’t have all information ready yet, a simple web page is sure to create a good impression and increase your organisation's credibility. Your online presence will give a head start while you prepare to list and launch your full website.

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July 13th, 2021

Centaurus Metals raises bar on new website

Now more than ever before, investors are tapping online sources for information - thanks to the new normal. The investment community is showing a dramatic increase in web-based content consumption.

With remote work pushing digital acceleration, stakeholders are now more dependent on cyberspace for trading decisions. Email newsletters, LinkedIn and YouTube are just some of the popular investor touchpoints for data.

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July 13th, 2021

Australian Bauxite website steps up with company’s progress

Giving your website a refresh is one of the best things you can do for your business. Updating your site is important and should not be underestimated – especially in today’s highly competitive online world.

With investors now more often online, your website’s look and functionality need to keep pace with the times. Regular content updates will also promote your business, attract more investors, and help your company grow. More so if your venture is expanding.

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June 22nd, 2021

Peter Warren investor website revs up at the heels of IPO

Going public is a major milestone for any business. The process is transformational as the once private company learns to operate within regulatory requirements and for a broader investor group.

For sure you’ll agree, investor communication is essential to be a successful publicly listed company. It’s a key ingredient not just in launching an initial public offering (IPO). It’s a vital component even past ringing the ASX bell.

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May 14th, 2021

Polymetals Resources website gets a head start on IPO

Getting ready for an initial public offering (IPO) takes a lot of work. You have a prospectus to draft, roadshows to coordinate, investors to win over. With so many to-dos, the last thing you’ll probably think about is your website.

But the amount of communication involved when your company goes public cannot be underestimated. New regulations and processes will be in place as stock exchanges like the ASX have requirements on what information to publish and when.

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May 10th, 2021

Kazia Therapeutics website innovates for growth

How is your company positioned for growth? What sets you apart from your competitors?

These are just some questions investors seek to answer as they search for information about your venture. Before allotting capital in your organisation, they’ll want to know your business model, purpose and strategy. They’ll want to understand your competitive advantage and how you will generate long-term sustainable value.

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April 21st, 2021

Bastion Minerals website takes off from successful IPO

Completing an initial public offering is both challenging and rewarding. Organising the people, processes and technology needed for your IPO is critical for its success.

In your quest to become a public company, you’ll want to get the right message out into the market. You’ll need an investor relations game plan that fully communicates with stakeholders, among many other requirements to prepare.

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March 12th, 2021

Iceni Gold website sets the stage for IPO

Is your company planning to go public and list soon on the ASX? Then communications must be at the top of your agenda from the onset. After all, it’s not something to be added as an afterthought.

It’s important to effectively communicate with investors, stakeholders and financial media well before your listing day. What your business conveys before your initial public offering commences is as crucial as what is conveyed at the time your stock starts trading.

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February 9th, 2021

SuperTrans Medical rolls out new website

Are you keen on growing your business this year? Waiting in the curtains to spread your wings at the right time?

Setting up your website will get more people to know about your company and help reach potential investors. It will serve as the go-to place where interested stakeholders will learn of your brand, your team and the product you are offering.

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December 15th, 2020

Youfoodz investor website bolsters IPO

Investors do their own research as they consider your company for a possible investment, especially during your initial public offering.

They'll seek to know your company's strategy and plans to make good returns. They'll want to find out who’s directing and managing your business, as well as other corporate information on investment.

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December 7th, 2020

Impact Minerals uncovers investor-centric website

Gone are the days when your business needs any kind of website just for an online presence. Used to be that any site would do merely to be online.

That won’t cut it anymore in this new media age. Nowadays, you need a great functioning website that can impress investors and compete with peers. After all, you only have about 3 seconds to wow investors before they decide to look elsewhere to your competitors.

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November 18th, 2020

Desert Metals website gets ready for IPO

Show not just tell! Show investors how your company is an attractive long-term investment through a great website. Especially as you gear up for your initial public offering (IPO).

As you prepare to be listed, providing facts and figures about your business is important. Presenting a strong company story through your website is essential to your IPO’s success.

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October 20th, 2020

Launching your new HQi-powered website

Finally! Your new website is about to go live.

After organising its design and content, your site is now ready to be launched into the big wide world. Well done! Thank you too for entrusting your website development to our IRM team.

But before we hit the go-live button, a final run-through is needed to give your site the best start possible. It’s much like how pilots double-check controls before taking off.

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September 23rd, 2020

Siren Gold equips website for IPO and onwards

If your company's heading for an initial public offering (IPO), you can’t do without a website to support your listing. Launching an IPO without a site is like going into battle without arsenal. You’ve got to be equipped even before entering the market.

Going for an IPO means you are now expected to communicate with investors, including analysts and financial journalists. The first point of contact for these stakeholders searching for information about your company of course would be  your investor website - the front door to your house!

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September 17th, 2020

PPK Group's custom-designed website makes headway

Want to position your company above peers? Then your website shouldn’t look like everyone else's.

You'd want a site that's unique to your company, designed with your requirements. Enabling you to reinforce your brand as its blueprint is specific your business.

A customised web site that supports your current and future goals is ideal. Created with a foundation that’s built to handle modifications as your organisation expands.

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September 2nd, 2020

IGO website taps careers section

Attracting good candidates can be a challenging and costly task in highly competitive job markets. Recognising this, more and more companies have been investing in their own function-rich careers centres.

Check out how diversified mining and exploration company IGO (ASX:IGO) gets the most out of its website's candidate-rich Careers section.

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August 25th, 2020

IRM HQi 6.2 Release Notes: Improved performance and new features

Say hello to the latest features of IRM’s HQi content management system!

HQi is always working hard to optimise features for its many users, like you. Pulling out all the stops to deliver a smoother website management in your hands.

In this latest release, HQi has squashed some bugs and tidied things up to make your user experience even better. Stability enhancements include coding advances and tweaks related to emails, images and over-all performance.

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August 14th, 2020

Westgold Resources website breaks new ground

A good quality website is an integral component of your business. It should exude professionalism and credibility for your brand as well as generating confidence that assures investors you mean business and you’re there to stay.

With all kinds of website designs in the market, it’s important to pick one that will best serve your needs. A website design that’s created uniquely for your company. Presenting your business in its best light, while looking professional and modern. Enticing investors and leaving a lasting impression on them.

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July 20th, 2020

Allegiance Coal forges new websites for investors and local community

Every website’s purpose it to reach its audience. This is key, particularly if the site is targeting investors for your company.

Connecting with investors is not an option but a requirement to succeed in your business. Because drawing investors into your website would increase their engagement, and later on their involvement as shareholders.

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July 3rd, 2020

Sihayo Gold stands out with new website

Resource industries are known to be slow in catching on to modern technology. Just look at the out-dated websites of many mining and exploration companies. Others do not even have their own websites in today’s tech-savvy world.

That is not always the case though.

Some exploration companies are not settling for any old website. They are blazing a trail in their industries with websites that are professionally designed and mobile-friendly too. Serving as an inspiration to their peers.

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