How to Have Quality Website Content for Investors

Posted in IRM News

(This blog post is part of a series discussing 10 Success Factors for Online Investor Relations. Read the previous related post — “How to Improve Your Website Navigation for Investors” — here.)

Here’s the truth.

Your website is nothing without quality content.

You can have awesome images, great videos and a responsive design. But if your investor audience can’t find the info they want from your website, what’s the point?

Content is king. As it’s often been said.

Wait. Make that, QUALITY content is king.

Quality content is as important – if not more important – than an impressive website layout or configuration. It essentially defines your website’s success. While other elements provide support to it.

Quality content is your way of maintaining communications with stakeholders while you’re busy expanding your business. It’s what will help them stay informed as they make decisions about your company.

Investors want to see that blog post about your new project or exploration site. Or the latest copy of your annual report.

They want to monitor how your share price is fairing in the market. They want to learn from your CEO’s video interview about your company’s plans for the coming year.

Here are 3 ideas to make sure you have quality content:

1. Be up-to-date

Make sure your site is always current. If you stop updating your website after its launch, your audience will lose interest. Any one piece of out-of-date information creates doubt about everything else on your site.

You’ll also fall in search engine rankings if you don’t have updated content. This means your audience won’t find you when they Google your company, or anything related to your business.

A simple way to keep updated is to immediately post your ASX Announcements in your website. This way you’re hitting two birds with one stone. Using compliance measures to instantly relay news.

Show your headline news on your home page so investors can easily find your latest messages. Create fresh content, like blog posts or videos on your operations. This will prove you’re actively pursuing your goals. It will showcase your business expertise too.

2. Be authoritative

You are the authority on your business and your industry. So, share your industry knowledge, experience and expertise.

If you make your site rich with quality content, you’ll become an authority in your niche. And your audience would want to learn from you.

Just make sure your content is easy to understand. Skip the jargons and highfalutin terminologies. Keep it simple and relatable.

3. Be comprehensive

Make sure all key information about your company is available on your website. You wouldn’t want investors to be wondering where to find specific information and going back to a Google search.

A way to do this is to archive your historical ASX announcements so they can be easily found. You can even provide a download option for certain data. This enables your messages or reports to be accessed offline or shared with other interested parties.


Quality content means being up-to-date with information within your website. It also means being authoritative and comprehensive in terms of the data you provide there. Once you’ve got those covered, you’re on your way to stronger communications efforts with your audience.

What now

Ever considered a full website review? Just to make sure all areas in your site are running smoothly.

If you’d like some assistance, just let us know how we can give you a hand.

IRM has been helping ASX-listed companies with their online investor relations strategies since 2002. Feel free to browse through our client list here.

You can also check out our website through this link.

If you’d rather chat with one of our account managers, please call +61 2 8705 5444 or email Let’s talk soon!