How to relate to investors through your website

Posted in IRM News

(This blog post is part of a series discussing 10 Success Factors for Online Investor Relations. Read the previous related post — “How to educate investors about your company” — here.)

Straight from the horse’s mouth.

Nothing beats information directly from your company.

Communication with shareholders is vital to the success and growth of your organisation. It’s not just to meet an obligation under the ASX-listing rules.

In fact, investors recognise your website as the most valuable source of company news or information. As you communicate effectively and honestly, strong and transparent relationships are forged with them.

But relating with your stakeholders is not just limited to your site. You can use other mediums to supplement your website and enhance connections with your investment community. Following are some ideas you can apply to expand your reach.

1. Adopt a social media strategy

A clear social media plan will help your audience relate to you other than through your site.

Investors consider Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook to be were very valuable platforms. Why not use these networks to direct them to your website? Just make sure your tweets and posts have links that lead them to your web pages.

Not yet active on social networks? Nowadays, ASX-listed companies can no longer hide in digital space because of $cashtags on Twitter. At least occasionally check what others are saying about you. (You can Google your $cashtag or company name for starters.)

Consider this. If more Australian businesses are now into social media, these platforms must be doing well in catching the attention of stakeholders.

2. Publish your social media icons

Make sure your website and email signatures have social media icons that link to your accounts or company pages. Also add these icons in soft copies of your reports and letterheads, including ASX announcements. Don’t forget to check that the links are correct and not broken.

3. Take advantage of media coverage

Aside from your site, investors regard business media as a significant source of information. They rely heavily on this medium when making investment decisions.

That’s why it’s good to have a media coverage page on your website. Featuring what the media is saying about you or your industry adds credibility to your site. Remember to monitor this page so that it’s up to date.

Let’s recap

Relating with investors through your website can be strengthened with a good social media strategy. Other ways of enhancing this connection is by promoting your social media icons and adding a media coverage page on your site.

Get help

IRM can assist with a full website review to ensure your site strongly and relevantly relates with investors.

We’ve been helping ASX-listed companies with their online investor relations strategies since 2002. See a list of our clients through this link. Or check out our website here.

If you prefer to chat with one of our account managers, please call +61 2 8705 5444 or email


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