IRM HQi upgraded to Release 4.3

Posted in Website News

The IRM team is pleased to announce the release of version 4.3 of IRM HQi. The new release includes the third major set of improvements to IRM HQi and Newsroom for 2015. We think this release is our best one for the year!

In each of our releases we enhance our features list with new ways to save you time and help you be more productive when it comes to your IR efforts.

IRM HQi Release 4.3 was rolled out to all client sites for both website and IRM Newsroom clients in early December 2015. Here’s the main summary of what’s new:

There are three new major features, each of which is described in a separate blog post covering that subject:

There are numerous smaller features in the release, many of which are discussed briefly below.

  • Context sensitive help
  • Spell checking using the HQi Editor
  • Adding custom text above list pages (eg ASX Announcements)
  • Individual user uploads
  • Gallery Container pages
  • Uploading multiple images to galleries
  • Changing your internal page image banners through HQi
  • Directories in secure sites (Beta)

Context sensitive help

We have made our help resources more intuitive to enable you to find the detail you need more easily.

Previously in HQi the various help buttons took you to the home page of the IRM help centre at Now they will take you directly to the page that is relevant to the context of the current location – so you will get more quickly to the help for that part of HQi or Newsroom.

Spell check in Content Editor

You’ve made your updates, you’ve approved the changes and you’ve gone back to read through the new changes to your site only to find that you’ve misspelled something. Not any more – it’s now possible to spell-check your content before sending it live using the content editor in HQi.

Adding custom text above list pages

We’ve had requests in the past to add introductory text to our list pages (the ones that show your announcements or releases) and now you have the power to do this through HQi.

Find out how to do this over at our help centre:

Individual user uploads

You could previously add multiple users but there was no clear way to add a single new user to your site. Now it’s easy with the new “Create new user” button underneath the Manage Users module in HQi.

Gallery Container pages

For those who want to show a range of galleries on one web site page we’ve introduced Gallery Container Pages. Previously you could add as many single gallery website pages as you wanted, but there was no way to add a web page to your site that displayed all of your galleries.

When you add a page to the CMS you’ll be asked which type of page you would like to add, now you can simply select a gallery container page as shown below, and the system will step you through the rest of the set up.

For more information on these container pages, visit our help centre article here:

Upload multiple images to a gallery at once

Now, instead of uploading images one by one you can upload multiple images to galleries.

To do this, while uploading images simply select Ctrl on your keyboard and you’ll be able to upload multiple images. Find out more about how to use image galleries here:

Change your internal page image banners through HQi

Up until now, the banner images on the internal pages of your site have been coded by us but we’ve added options in the CMS so that you can now update these images as and when you choose to do so.

To find out how to do this, follow the article on our help centre here:

Directories in secure sites

Confidential file sharing is being increasingly used by businesses to increase productivity and team efficiency. It is important to know that if you’re sharing files, you’re able to keep the sensitive information secure.

This release contains a beta version of support for file directories to our secure sites. These can now include a full directory structure of files, to allow you to create, edit and remove folders as well as upload/edit/move and remove files while controlling the read and write access at the same time. Excellent for Intranet applications, data rooms, Board documentation and internal working groups, where secure access to lists of documents is needed. Its in beta because we have some improvements in mind for a more fulsome roll out in the next release.

You can find more detail on each of the features noted here in the IRM Help Centre at

If you have any ideas for new features that you would like to see or feedback on our existing features library, we would like to hear from you. Feel free to send ideas, feedback, thoughts and comments across to

Related blog posts discussing HQi Release 4.3:

Online IRM product catalogue for IRM HQi and IRM Newsroom users
IRM Newsroom enhancement for Boardroom.Media clients
Enhanced Support Services for IRM HQi and IRM Newsroom