How is your company positioned for growth? What sets you apart from your competitors?
These are just some questions investors seek to answer as they search for information about your venture. Before allotting capital in your organisation, they’ll want to know your business model, purpose and strategy. They’ll want to understand your competitive advantage and how you will generate long-term sustainable value.
Ultimately, your investor communications will depend on conveying information clearly and effectively. That is why it is more important than ever to have a website that attracts investors. As the backbone of your online communications, your site can inspire engagement, influence investment decisions and nurture stakeholder relationships.
For some peer inspiration, check out the website of Kazia Therapeutics (ASX: KZA; NASDAQ: KZIA), an Australian oncology-focused biotechnology company. It’s definitely one new site that does a great job of appealing to investors and showcasing information to them.
Kazia’s website reflects the company’s strong progress through customised design and clean aesthetics in every page. For starters, its stock information, news and insights are prominently highlighted in its homepage. Its clear navigation readily presents details about its business, board, research and partners in designated sections within the site.
Kazia's website works without a hitch on any screen size and device.
Talking about confident communications, Kazia’s investor centre allows investors to easily find facts and figures they need for decision making. There’s a wealth of information accessible in this website section, such as ASX announcements, annual reports, presentations. No need to go elsewhere to search for key data.
More importantly, Kazia’s website can be easily updated with the latest information through its user-friendly platform. This way, its content is kept up-to-date and relevant to the market. Investors can even receive announcements via email as they are posted on the site and on the company's social media channels.
Kazia’s website was developed through IRM’s HQi content management system and Newsroom news delivery app. IRM was delighted to partner with Kazia in bolstering its online investor presence.
Are you up for a website that’s professionally done and attractive to investors? Find inspiration from custom-made sites we’ve created for ASX listed companies here.
Better still, let’s chat about your website needs on +61 2 8705 5444. Or shoot us an email at clientrelations@irmau.com to get started.