Key Takeaways: Attracting and keeping investor attention

Posted in Website News

Sharing key takeaways from our blog post on Influencing online behaviour of Investors – attracting and keeping their attention:

When an investor visits your website:

  • They need to like you.
  • They know what they want.
  • They expect to find it easily.

Key questions investors ask:

  • Does this company give a good impression?
  • Do I like it?
  • Can I instantly find the information I want?


  • 3 things in 3 seconds.
  • You can only rely on 2 clicks.

The 3-second rule for investor website homepages:

  • Focus on impressions first.
  • Avoid lots of text and scrolling.
  • Use stunning images that convey your message.
  • Keep your straplines short and easily digestible.

Selling the first click
The first click should tell them:

  • What business your company is in
  • Trustworthiness of your management
  • Latest important announcements/presentations/reports
  • Your investment proposition
  • Your latest share price and chart

The 2-clicks rule

  • After the first click, ensure they find what they want with just one more click.


Read the full blog post:
Influencing online behaviour of Investors – attracting and keeping their attention


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