Take 5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors

Posted in IRM News

IRM CEO Martin Spry has been talking to leaders of ASX-listed companies about their online investor presence for 15 years. Hundreds of companies. He just completed a national series of small group sessions, “5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors,” where he delivered over 200 useful ideas to more than 30 companies. IRMatters caught up with Martin to find out more about the boutique breakfast events. Following are some highlights of his insights from the recently concluded venture.


Martin, what was the most significant impression you took away from the sessions?

Without any doubt, it was that every attendee had many more than 5 ideas they could take away and implement that were right for them right now.

What was the format of the sessions?

Basically, a skip through of all the elements that make up effective and efficient online investor communications. The idea being that each individual attendee would be looking for the 'next best thing for them,' which is likely to be different for each, depending on their current approach and what is happening in their business at that time.

Are you saying that even though your presentation is common to all, what each takes away to do next is likely to be very different?

Absolutely! Some marketing professionals would call this helpful marketing.

So, an attendee could come again in say 12 months’ time, attend largely the same presentation, but take away an entirely different set of to-dos.

That is also true.


"...in no time at all the attendees begin to interact relating the content to their circumstances, which of course are all very different. This is where the magic is and why the sessions deliver so well."


How have you been able to get all these good ideas?

We simply collected them from the people who really know. The IRM team has been working with lots of very talented IR professionals for many years now (well over 200 of them). And they involve us in executing their ideas, which we make a point of collecting to pass on to other clients.

Do you plan to have any more sessions in the future?

Yes, indeed. We recognise that these sessions deliver real value to our clients and prospective clients, so we plan to schedule a national series two or three times a year. Additionally, we will be offering to run sessions hosted by some of our business partners to deliver for their clients.

Do you find delivering the same session somewhat repetitive when you deliver them over and over?

Not at all. It might start off a bit that way. But in no time at all the attendees begin to interact relating the content to their circumstances, which of course are all very different. This is where the magic is and why the sessions deliver so well.

Thanks for your time, Martin. One final question, when will we hear of the next sessions and how can a reader arrange to attend?

The next sessions are planned late this month in Sydney. Check out the invitation here. And we will start them again early in the new year in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Anyone wishing to attend can just choose the session that best suits them.


Perhaps you’d like to join us for the next small group sessions of “5 New Ideas for Better Online Engagement with Investors”? Click here to join our mailing list for the events.