Website design trends: bold and bright take centre stage

Posted in IRM News

2018 is emerging as one of the most adventurous years in web design.

Just look around the Internet! See how vibrant colours and bold typefaces are stealing the web limelight.

To be sure, your website is the anchor of your company’s online presence. It’s an invaluable resource. Always available to educate your audience and interact with them.

But it isn’t a static medium that simply presents data. It allows your information to move. Enabling your audience to engage with you. Ultimately making an impact on them.

With this capability, your site's design should be in line with what is current. Agree?

It should capture your audience’s attention span in just 5 seconds. It should communicate creatively, as it works intuitively and efficiently.

If you’re launching a new website or considering a revamp of your existing one, have a think through these present trends. These pointers are not just a matter of visual gratification. They’re sure to provide smooth functionality as well.

1. Striking visuals

We’re talking about bright and crisp colours. Not only for newer sites that want to attract (and keep) audience’s attention. But also for those that want to convey a strong and confident brand personality. It's a step up from the traditional muted palettes.

These lively colour schemes go with big typography and impactful headers. Showing lots of personality for aesthetic effect and emphasis. Giving a dramatic impression but still minimalist and clean. These will keep your audience glued to your website.

Stunning real-life images are now preferred over generic stock photos too. Authentic photographs would express your company’s personality and tone. With a focus on being real and engaging.

2. Data illustrations

Websites are adopting user-friendly icons, infographics and animated graphics for high impact visual storytelling. These would draw your audience’s attention and make your site less static, more dynamic.

At a glance, these illustrations would effectively communicate and simplify complicated information. They'd put a dash of fun into your website. Presenting your company or brand as more approachable to your audience.

3. Video content

Videos would allow your audience to consume more content. Faster. To be honest , your audience would prefer to watch them over reading text.

Videos would also provide a human touch into your site’s static content. They'd enrich it with a great website experience around your brand. So it would make sense to integrate video content throughout your web pages. (Just like the site of Locality Planning Energy, or LPE, on the first image.)

4. Mobile optimisation

With most people using smartphones, it’s no wonder mobile browsing has exceeded desktop. Even investors read news, research companies and look at investor-related content on their phones throughout the day.

That’s why your website should be readily viewed on phones or tablets. Your web pages should deliver a great user experience in whatever screen size or orientation your audience prefers.

Wrapping up

Want to be relevant to your audience and engage with them effectively? Seriously consider these useful trends for 2018. Remember to utilise striking visuals and data illustrations in your site. And don’t forget to include video content and mobile optimisation for a great website experience.

A little help goes a long way

IRM is happy to work with you, using these current trends to create a new site or refresh your existing one.

As Australia’s leading investor website company, IRM understands there are different ways to improve your online presence. You may want a small refresh, a redesign, a technology transplant or a complete overhaul.

It’s easier and quicker than you think, and probably costs less than you think. And with IRM HQi technology, next time this happens will be further away and easier to do, giving lower long-term costs.

A number of our 170 clients have recently launched sites, while others revamped their previous ones. See some examples of our work in this page.

Chat with one of our account managers today on +61 2 8705 5444 or for more details.

You can also visit our website here for further info.

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