Why your investor website needs to be mobile friendly

Posted in IRM News

It’s become urgent!

As more people use smartphones over desktop computers, NOW is the time to have a mobile-friendly website.

Especially if you still haven’t converted your site since Google’s Mobilegeddon. (You can run this Google test to check if your site is mobile friendly.)

Optimising your website for mobile devices isn’t just a trend. It’s not a nice-to-have feature but a need-to-have capability.

Because more people are mobile nowadays - including investors. They communicate and find information on their phones or tablets. It’s become quicker and handier than laptops or desktops.

This gives enough motivation for ASX-listed companies to embrace mobile technology. To adapt to this demand and become web savvy.

Consider these 3 reasons why you need to move to a mobile-friendly site:

1. To increase investor interest

With a mobile-friendly site, investors will spend more time on your website. That’s because your pages would look great and your links would run smoothly.

Investors struggle with sites that are not tailored for mobile devices. Since they’re harder to navigate, they get turned off and exit the site not long after.

2. To attract more new investors

Your overall traffic will increase with a mobile-optimised site. More potential investors looking for investment opportunities will find you on Google search.

Because Google gives higher search ranking to mobile-friendly sites. Conversely, desktop-only sites would rank nearer the bottom compared to those designed for mobile use.

3. To show investors that you care

If existing investors see you don’t care about their viewing experience, they may assume you don’t care about the rest of their investment experience.

A great mobile online presence is a key Success Factor in online investor communications. You can read more about the success factors through this link. Or download our white paper here.

To put it plainly

Optimising your website for mobile devices has become a need now more than ever as most investors are on mobile. This move will increase investor interest in your business and attract new ones. It will also show stakeholders that you care enough to give them a great user experience on your web pages.

How to convert to a mobile-friendly website?

IRM website services cover the full range of mobile website solutions. Here are two suggestions:

A new build. If you are ready for the work and benefits of building a new website, IRM has some ideas here about how to go about a new build.

Migrating the existing. If you’re happy with the current messages and content and prefer to avoid the work of a new site, but you need a technology transplant, IRM has a website migration strategy for you.

Either way, it’s not as difficult or as costly as you probably think. Within two months you can have a mobile-friendly website.

Contact us today to discuss the likely cost and effort of moving to a mobile-friendly site. Call us on +61 2 8705 5444 or email clientrelations@irmau.com.

You can also visit www.irmau.com for more details.

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